Dissident Living
Welcome to ClownWorld
This is your guide to surviving and thriving in the midst of unprecedented and uncertain times. Economic Uncertainty. Wars on the ground; war on the horizon Unprecedented Inequality and Inflation. "Pandemics." When's the next one scheduled? Declining birth rates, increasing violence a divided, partisan populace. Brothers Hating Brothers, embroiled in petty, identitarian politics, distracted by culture war conditioning, while their pockets are being picked as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. As it was, as it always has been. We are living through dark times.
At this rate, things are only going to get worse. The best time to prepare was yesterday; the next best time is right now. The good news (it's not all doom and gloom here) is that we are here. Dissident Living is more than a publication. It is an always-free platform, community, and program of like-minded individuals. We are here to offer free resources to guide one another through the storm.
We share our talents, expertise, knowledge, and support to be the shepherds of the downtrodden and exploited citizens of Western Civilization. The men and women are being squeezed dry by the corrupt regime imposing its will on the non-consenting taxpayer. They need us. We don't need them. They want their serf population, a slave caste, to serve the global elites. It's time to say no. It's time to opt out of a raw deal. Reject the slave mentality.
Shatter the shackles that drag you down. Become Self-Sufficient. Build your net worth. Diversify your assets. Learn a skill and monetize it. Prepare. Join us. With brotherhood and community, we prevail. Divided and distracted, we fall. Build your empire
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